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Vacation on a farm / north sea / air conditioning

We are planning to go on vacation to a farm with our 3-year old daughter, suffering from CF. In how far is it harmful for her, or rather, what do we have to pay attention to in the stable? What about mudflats at the north sea at low tide?
In general, is it allowed to switch on the air conditioning in the hotel or in the car or is there any risk of Pseudomonas then?
Vacation at the north sea in general is very advisable for a child, suffering from CF. The mudflat is not regarded as a source of danger for an infection with Pseudomonas, in spite of the low salt content of the water, as the Pseudomonas bacteria do not find an optimal environment here, due to the strongly changing temperatures.
On the farm you should pay attention to the fact that your child does not have any close skin-contact to the animals there and does not have any contact to the excrements (e.g. dunghill). Thus, the actual generally considerable hygienic measures apply.
Air conditioning devices are unproblematic for CF patients as long as the filters of the devices are serviced according to instructions, i.e. are changed according to instructions. This is easy to control concerning the own car. At rented cars, this is a problem. The same problem occurs in hotels.
Generally speaking, air conditioning devices are more a problem regarding mould fungi and less a problem of infection with Pseudomonas.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt