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Sick parent and measures

I have a one year old child with cystic fibrosis. When the parents have a disease like rhinitis, is the use of alcohol based hand gel and mask enough?

When the parents or siblings of a CF child have a rhinitis-like disease, it is more likely to be attributed to a virus. Here are the measures that you can take to minimize the risk of transmission:

1. Avoid “hugs” during the infection and try if possible to wear a mask
2. Avoid sneezing and blowing your nose in close proximity to your kid
3. Preferably use disposable handkerchiefs that will be throw out right after
4. Wash your hands (soap or alcohol based hand gel): 1) before and after all contact with your kid; 2) after blowing your nose

You could find further hygienic information on the website of the association “Vaincre la Mucoviscidose” by following the link:

Best regards

Harriet Corvol