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Motilium® 10 mg tablets

Dear expert team,

I (40 years old) have adult CF an suffer from reflux esophagitis as well as small axial hiatal hernia, according to the latest gastrointestinal exam. I have been taking proton pump inhibitors for years (esomeprazole; Pantozol®/pantoprazole; agopton 30mg; earlier also Nexium-mups®/esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate, not prescribed anymore).

Despite taking these drugs, I currently have strong reflux of food and constant eructation. My general practitioner would additionally like to try 3x1 Motilium®/domperidone tablets. Can these two drugs be taken at the same time? What else could I do?

Kind regards.
Dear questioner,

many thanks for your question concerning taking Motilium®/domperidone and acid blockers at the same time. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. There are no interactions between Motilium® (domperidone) and e.g. Pantozol®, but domperidone does have various other interactions with drugs, e.g. with macrolide antibiotics (azithromycin or especially clarithromycin). Before being able to advise you on whether you can take domperidon or not, one would therefore have to know which other drugs you are taking.

Kind regards
Dr. Markus Hofer