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Insulin from when onwards?


A glucose test showed that my glucose level is elevated, although only minimally at 220 and after meals, and only so little that I will inject 1-2 units. Does this now mean I have diabetes, or not yet? My doctor could not provide any specific information.

Many thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner,

I cannot tell from your question whether you are actually a cystic fibrosis (CF) patient, but I assume you are, since you are writing to the CF expert advice.

Diabetes mellitus is the most common secondary disorder in CF, and the number of CF patients who also have diabetes increases considerably after the age of 10. At age 30, on average, 30% of CF patients have diabetes mellitus, although their clinical symptoms (troubles) are usually rather subtle. However, an early diagnosis is very important for the further course of the disease. Therfeore it is recommended for CF patients to do an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) annually, which should also be done in your case.

To support this test, you could have daily blood sugar profiles done and your HbA1C value determined. After that, we recommend that you see your CF doctor with this information to decide about further diagnostics and therapeutic procedures resulting from them (insulin treatment?).

Kind regards
Dr. Christina Smaczny