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Gallstones with cystic fibrosis

Are they common? What do I have to keep in mind, since I am also currently breastfeeding my baby?
Dear questioner,

Gallstones (cholecystolithiasis) occur in CF more frequently with increasing age. Their assumed frequency is between 8 and 12%, and up to 33% of adults with CF have evidence of gallstones. The patients often remain symptom-free. During treatment, it is most important to pay attention to a good outflow of gall. Sufficient fluid intake and nutrition counselling can help a lot here. As for drugs, ursodeoxycholic acid as well as acetylcysteine for the liquefaction of the secretions is recommended. In case of troubles (bilious colics), surgery may be necessary. As long as there are no symptoms, however, it is recommended to do ultrasound test, a blood test (liver values) and an adjusted drug therapy if necessary.

Breastfeeding mothers should talk to their doctor in detail about the necessity of a therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid and/or acetylcysteine, and decisions should be made based on each individual case. It is not known either for ursodeoxycholic acid or acetylcysteine whether the drugs transgress into the breast milk. The product information therefore points out that the drugs should only be taken during lactation after carefully balancing the benefits and risks.

Kind regards
Dr. Christina Smaczny