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Follow-up question: Motilium®

Dear expert team,
many thanks for answering so quickly. Because of the colonization with P.a. I take Azithromycin 250mg every other day as long-term therapy. I also inhale Colistin and DNAse. According to your description, it seems one should be careful here and probably pause Azithromycin?

Dear questioner,

Indeed there is a substantial interaction between Motilium® and Azithromycin in that both can lead to an prolongation of the so-called QTc time in the ECG (electrocardiogram) and then presenting the danger of a relevant heart arrythmia. I propose to you to have an ECG done before starting Motilium®. If it is normal, you can start with Motilium®, but you have to repeat the ECG after 2-4 weeks in order to make sure that the QTc-time is not extended.

Please first discuss the approach with your doctor in charge as only he/she is able to get an idea of the overall situation.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. med. Markus Hofer
Adult CF-clinic
University hospital of Zurich