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Dear doctor,

I’m a woman 40 years of age and I have cystic fibrosis. I used to have my menses every 28 days, but recently they came less often and then now I do have my menses just after 2 weeks again. Is this the beginning of menopause? Do patients with CF have an earlier menopause?

Thanks and kind regards,

CF patient
Dear ECORN-user,

You ask a question about the regularity of menses and the onset of menopause in CF. Skipping menstruation and irregular menstruation is, in case of CF, often a consequence of the poor nutritional status of the woman. Also delayed puberty is common in CF. It is well known that women with CF have decreased fertility. Pregnancy however can occur and in case it does it should be followed up quite closely. But whether the age at menopause is younger or not, there is really no information on that.
To check whether a specific person is starting menopause, of course a consult with a gynaecologist and checking the hormone profile will help.
We hope that this answers your question.

Kind regards,

Prof. dr. K. De Boeck