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outdoor trampoline

We have the project to buy a trampoline for my daughter who has cystic fibrosis. I have a question about the fact that it is outside, since too large for the interior. With rain water that can get stuck in the walls of protection ... is it a problem because of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Thank you for your understanding
You want to acquire an outdoor trampoline for promoting your daughter's physical activity and it is a very good idea. You are worried that the rain water that may accumulate in the walls is a risk factor for colonization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Rainwater that may be found in the linings will surely not be in large quantities and evaporation should prevent significant growth of germs. I saw that most outdoor models could be protected by a slipcover or blanket, which should prevent water from seeping between the elements of the trampoline.

The risk seems exceedingly small compared to the benefit of such activity. I do not know how old your daughter, but as mentioned in a previous question, it is recommended to monitor activities to avoid accidents.

Dr. Sophie Ravilly