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School precautions

I would like some advice about what to do for our child when school starts. Thank you.

Dear friend,
There are no specific guidelines about precautions in school. In any case, you may implement some basic principles of personal hygiene, bearing in mind the age of the child and the level of cooperation:
The child must use single-use handkerchiefs and not lend/borrow handkerchiefs from other children.
The child must wash its hands with liquid soap.
If it has to use locker rooms and common showers, the child must not spend much time in them and always use its own, dry towels, which will be used once, and not lend/borrow towels from other children.
The child must avoid areas with stagnant waters, e.g. a large aquarium, an artificial pond in the alley and portable pools.
The child must not lend/borrow personal items, which the child may use with its hands or put in its mouth (e.g. a pencil) due to age or habit.
The areas used by the child (e.g. classrooms) must be aired, although that may be practically difficult in the case of large common rooms during the winter.
The school must be aware of the child’s condition, in order to assist in the implementation of the above and to take additional measures, in case another child with CF wishes to attend the same school.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis
2.7.12 In some European countries there are leaflets from the patient organizations on the topic "children with CF in school or preschool"; so it is worth to contact the respective patient organization about this.
D. d'Alquen