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Sequence of inhalation and sports

I have a question on the sequence of the therapy building blocks:

I first use the Flutter®, since the mucus is rather easy to loosen in my case.

Which sequence is more sensible afterwards:
First inhalation (with Mucoclear® and colistin or Tobi®, respectively) and then sports? Or first sports and then inhalation?

Thank you and kind regards.

Many thanks for your question, which I would like to answer based on which therapies make sense for an increased therapy effectiveness and optimization of therapy time:

I would combine your inhalation with Mucoclear® and Flutter®, and then exercise. If you experience tight bronchia, you should talk to your doctor about an inhalation drug to relieve that. This can be done either in combination with the Mukoclear® or as an individual inhalation.

After exercise, when the lungs are cleaned, inhalation with an antibiotic (Colistin/Tobi®, etc.) would make sense.

Good luck and kind regards,
Kathrin Könecke, physiotherapist