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request for information on swimming pools


We have a CF boy of 8 years. Our friends are building a pool, they ask us what is the best treatment (solid or liquid chlorine, bromine or salt) for him.

Can you tell us?
For private swimming pools, zero risk does not exist unfortunately. However you can minimize it by taking precautions: the pool maintenance requires great rigor in the treatment and cleanliness: bathers should shower (outside) before bathing thus avoiding contamination of water with their sweat and mostly well check the pH, chlorine and stabilizer if there are, look after borders (areas where water flushes along the edge), avoid foot baths, Jacuzzi and whirlpool baths, shower the face of CF child after bathing. What is certain is that the higher the temperature of pool water is (above 30 ° C) the higher is the risk of microbial growth, so do not hesitate to add cool water to lower the temperature. Even if we do laboratory analysis, sampling is timely therefore, nothing prevents a germ appearing the next day.
Regarding the methods for disinfecting private pools, the answer is not easy. The major risk presented by a swimming pool as any water reserve is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Whatever the disinfection process, it is unrealistic to eliminate this risk, the water is never sterile. What is important is to avoid stagnation of water. Similarly one should clean the origins and outputs of water inlets and aspirations. Chlorine remains the most consistently active product regarding this bacterium. I have not found any data on the effectiveness of chlorine by electrolysis of salt system, widely used method. Same for water treatment by ozone. But in both cases, the disinfection takes place when the water passes (ie when the pump is running), while the traditional system maintains a concentration of chlorine, whether the water circulates or not, which to us is an advantage.
Many children regularly bath in private swimming pools with no problem.
Talk to the medical team that follows your child, and know that the risk is very low if the chlorine concentration is adequate with a maintenance of borders.
Dr. Sophie Ravilly