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progression of the disease


I have a 7 months-old child with cystic fibrosis (homozygous F508del). To date, he has no respiratory problem and is doing well with the care he’s receiving (physiotherapy, pancreatic enzymes, vitamins, sodium…). Will it continue this way? Is there an age where the disease starts to evolve? Maybe when he will go to school and be in contact with virus?

I’m a little lost since the diagnostic announcement.
Thanks for your answer

It’s very normal that you’re a bit lost after the diagnostic announcement. Don’t hesitate to ask any question to the CF center staff: your child’s physician, of course, but also the nurses, the psychologist, the physiotherapist…We always are willing to help and counsel the families!

Concerning your 7 months old child, he carries the most frequent mutation that leads to a “classical” form of disease when homozygous (2 F508del mutations). However, the patients’ evolutions are not identical and each patient evolves differently. The care proposed by your CF center (treatments, physiotherapy, diet, hygiene…) aims at limiting the disease progression. It’s usually recommended, when possible, to avoid day-care centers to limit infections in the early years of life (less than 2 years old). Further, your child will go to school, and, as the other kids in his class, will be in contact with some virus. In this case, your child’s physician will adapt his care accordingly to avoid an aggravation of the disease.

I would recommend to visit the website of the association Vaincre La Mucoviscidose, containing lots of information useful for families:


Harriet Corvol