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Hyperechogenic bowel

I am 29 years old and pregnant with my 3rd child. Due to a known thrombophilia issue I started an injection therapy. After a check I had the following results:
CMV IgG 236 positive
CMV IgM 0.87 borderline
CMV IgG Avidity 0.83 indication of prior infection
In week 13-14 I had a hemorrhage and my doctor proceeded to bind my uterus.
At week 22, after an ultrasound check, it was discovered that the embryo had a hyperechogenic bowel, a finding attributed to the prior hemorrhage.
My doctor recommended an amniocentesis based on these findings regarding the CMV, but said it was my devision, but I am very hesitant about this option due to prior miscarriages.
What are the chances of my baby having CF? Should I do the amniocentesis?
Thank you!
Dear friend,
The hyperechogenic bowel may be an indication for CF however the chances for the baby to suffer from CF are really small. There is no data about the frequency of the children suffering from CF in case a hyperechogenic bowel is found, therefore we cannot give you concrete numbers.This condition may be due to many other causes, such as the hemorrhage you mentioned, and which your doctor considers as the cause of the hyperechogenic bowel.
From what you write, there does not seem to be any other indication, apart from the hyperechogenic bowel, in order to investigate the possibility of CF, nor do you mention any familial history relative to CF. I cannot, therefore, recommend for you to proceed with the amniocentesis just for the possibility of CF. On the other hand, a hyperechogenic bowel can be a reason for prenatal diagnosis in case the parents are informed and wish to have this clarified.
If, however, you decide to proceed with the amniocentesis due to CF medical history, you could ask to test the DNA of the embryo for the most common in Greece CF mutations.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis
23.7.12 Please find more information under the following link:[showitem]=1948

d. d'alquen