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I would like to understand and know why I have freuqently vaginal yeast infections or a lot of vaginal discharge.
Is it due to cystic fibrosis ? If yes why and how to avoid it.
When I take antibiotics it happens to me, but right now this is not the case.
Thank you in advance.
The vaginal yeast infections in cystic fibrosis are described especially during antibiotic treatments. What happens then? The vagina is not a sterile environment, it normally contains harmless microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi forming what is called the "vaginal flora". These micro-organisms are very limited but realize some needed balance to our body. With antibiotics, the balance of the vaginal flora can be impaired and fungus can grow excessively in this destroyed flora. Most often it is the "candida albicans" which is the origin of the vaginal yeast infection. Vaginal discharge is the consequence of the infection. Burns and itching, painful intercourse reports can also appear. However there are other factors contributing to yeast infections: an excessive hygiene with irritating soap, sex with an infected person, stress, a poorly controlled diabetes, some hormonal variations (with some pills)...Here are some hygiene rules in case of a vaginal yeast infection: an adapted local hygiene: no vaginal showers. Remove scented soaps and choose a product specifically suited for intimate hygiene. Avoid string thogs, prefer cotton underwear washable at 60°. A balanced diet including yogurts with bifidus to help the recovery of the intestinal flora. For a long time genital mycosis has been taboo as evidenced by the patients (men and women) in the "Letter to cystic fibrosis adult " (No. 55). Vaginal yeast infection, during or shortly after oral or intravenous antibiotics, is not inevitable and can be avoided with a preventive treatment (antifungal per os and per vagina). In any case, I urge you to get in contact quickly with your doctor to consider an appropriate treatment for your current situation and to consider a preventive treatment during your next intake of antibiotics.
Best wishes,
Marythé Kerbrat