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Pseudomonas colonization when swimming in a lake or pool

Dear expert team,

I have CF and am currently pseudomonas negative. I love swimming in a lake in the woods or in the pool.

In order to avoid false positive sputum or throat swab results, I would like to know how long after swimming in a lake or pool pseudomonas can be traced in the respiratory tract. Or, to put it differently, how many days should I wait between swimming and doing a sputum test in order to avoid a false positive result?

Many thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner,

Pseudomonas should actually not be traceable in the throat or sputum after swimming. If it is, then only for a few hours at the most. It should not be detectable anymore the next day. However, it is always possible for a germ to be cultivated from the respiratory tracts for a short time. A first-time result should be controlled again before starting eradication therapy, though.

Concerning the risk of aquiring Pseudmonas aeruginosa via swimming it has to be said in general that swimming in a well-chlorinated public pool (not jacuzzis or hot tubes) or in the sea is not problematic. Lakes, however, are a natural source of stagnant water and can be a reservoir of humid-germs like Pseudmonas aeruginosa, so that there is a greater risk of aquiring Pseudomonas by swimming in a lake.

Enjoy your swim!

Kind regards
Barbara Kahl