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can my son swim in an open air swimming pool. He is 22 months old and last year he already had pseudomonas.
Thank you for this question.

We have regularly questions about swimming and cystic fibrosis / CF on this ECORN forum. We refer to similar questions (f.e. purchase of a house with private pool).

Concerning the risk of Pseudomonas infection, we can say that a pool with normal applicable general standards of hygiene and not excessively heated (not higher than 27-28 °C), has no increased risk of infection with Pseudomonas. However, swimming in tropical swimming pools and jacuzzis are discouraged. In stagnant and strongly heated water high concentrations of Pseudomonas can occur.

A second aspect of swimming is the exposure to chlorine fumes (at least in this type of swimming pools). Exposure to chlorine can cause irritation of the respiratory mucosa with coughing and mucus production as a result. Even in an exterior swimming pool there is exposure to these chlorine fumes (mainly in a layer above the water surface). There is no absolute rule regarding chlorine pools and cystic fibrosis / CF. However, if you see that your child suffers from the upper or lower airways each time after swimming in a pool, we advise to stop temporarily swimming.

We hope this brief answer could help you.
With kind regards

Dr M Proesmans