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shake hands

I have Cystic Fibrosis. Is it better not to shake hands during the winter months (e.g. birthdays)? Will I get less sick that way?
It is indeed better not to shake hands to greet or congratulate in order to avoid transfer of bacteria and viruses. Not only during the winter months, but throughout the year. But the risk of transmission of germs is bigger during autumn and winter because there are more viral infections. These germs are easily transmitted via our hands. When people sneeze or cough, they put their hand on their mouth or nose. It is not always possible to immediately wash or disinfect your hands afterwards, so that germs stay on your hands and can pass to other people when we shake hands. It is therefore advised to cover your mouth and nose with your forearm during sneeze or cough.

Remember all the hygienic measures that were taken during the Mexican flu during the autumn of 2009. It was advised not to shake hands and to ensure good hand hygiene, especially after using the toilet and before eating. Actually, these simple measures should be taken throughout the year.

We hope we have given you sufficient information.

For more specific CF-related infections, we refer to previous answers on this website.

Kind regards,
Hanneke Eyns
Elke De Wachter