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normal school

We have learned after the discovery of significant bronchiectasis that our 8 year old son has cystic fibrosis. We find this news hard and I ask myself a lot of questions, especially if he can continue his schooling normally by knowing he eats in the canteen and stays at school after the normal classes to study until the evening every day, because we work both, his dad and myself. There are no drugs to take at lunch, only in the morning and evening. Thank you very much for your answer.

Your son can follow a schooling similar to that of his companions even if he can have specific needs bound to cystic fibrosis in a general way and to his own symptoms of the disease (the forms of cystic fibrosis can vary from a person to the other one).
He can continue to eat at the canteen and stay at school in the evening and even if drugs were prescribed to him at lunch. To help meet the changing needs of your son during school time, it is advised to draw up an individualized support project. It allows to fix the precautions and the conduct to be held (regarding hygiene, hydration, possible taking of drugs). It associates the parents, the referent physician, the head teacher, the teacher responsible for the child and the school doctor. A meeting is organized by the head teacher with all these persons and allows to record written conditions of schooling. (French law, see reference)
If your child is followed in a specialized CF Center, the coordinating nurse can also assist you in this approach.
Hoping to have answered your question
Best regards.

Marie-Laure Madec