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Pregnant with CF, how is the child born

Dear expert team,

I am pregnant and have CF, and would now like to know how the birth of the child will happen. Will it be born in the usual way or by cesarian section? What would be the gentler way for the mother?

Many thanks in advance and kind regards.
Dear questioner,

like in healthy women, one aims at a normal birth in patients with CF as well. A cesarian section always means greater risks for the mother, since it is surgery. A normal birth is less of a strain on the mother's circulation; the risk of thrombosis, bleeding, and inflammation is lower, and of course the risk of injury as well (no surgical section, no risk of injury of other organs such as bladder or intestine). You are welcome to contact me again if you have any further questions.

Kind regards
Dr. Anja Undine-Stücker