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nasal washing

We were advised to wash the nose of our 4 month old CF child every day even if he is not congested. What do you think? Could it cause irritation?
Thank you
Dear Sir or Madam,
The structure of the cells forming the upper respiratory tract (the nose and the throat) are of the same nature than the ones lining the bronchial walls. As such, when dealing with cystic fibrosis, the dysfunction of the CFTR protein is present in this area the same way it is on the bronchi and the thick mucus is then on the front line and easily assaulted by any irritating agent (should it be bacterial, viral or environmental).
We can only advise you to include a nose cleaning of your child in the daily hygiene measures. This cleaning has to be done gently and with physiological solution to avoid irritating the nasal wall.
I hope this notice will be useful. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
B. Borel