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Physiotherapy and problem germs?


Physiotherapy has always done me good, and I would like to start it again.

Unfortunately, I am colonized with MRSA (currently only lungs and throat, the nasal and skin swab was negative).

Here in my area there are only 3 phsyiotherapists who are experts in CF. One of them does not treat MRSA patients at all, the others only do house calls, but they cover up completely on the stairs outside (green gown, surgical mask, shoe covers).

As you can imagine, I feel very uncomfortable about this with my neighbors; since I have moved and the landlords asked strange questions even so much that I have not been doing any physiotherapy at all for about a year.

I am not even supposed to touch the prescription, and the therapists have always scheduled me to be the last patient of the day.

I actually think that some of these precautionary measures are utterly exaggerated. What do you think -- which of them makes sense, which does not? I would like to forward your answer to the practice.

How do other physiotherapists deal with the problem?
Dear questioner,

MRSA germs indeed have to be treated with special caution and care, particularly in physiotherapy. MRSA is located in the sputum and in the nasal secretion. These secretions are often mobilized and coughed up in great amounts during physiotherapy. Safety measures such as surgical mask, gloves, and gown are indispensable for physiotherapists when dealing with MRSA-colonized patients.

I am not aware of any hygiene regulations that require a therapist to change in front of the patient's home.

Patients colonized with MRSA are always treated at home. The house call should always be scheduled at the end of the day.

I do hope you will get the chance to get regular physical therapy (again).

All best,
Kathrin Könecke, physiotherapist