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Sexuality and cystic fibrosis

Are there any prohibited acts at risk, or that are not recommended to do during sexual activities with one's partner (including oral sex when it is the woman who has CF)?
Dear questioner,
Thank you for your question. It could be asked by many couples one of whom has cystic fibrosis. Sexuality is an essential part of life, regardless of age, gender, health or physical ability. The sexual life of patients with cystic fibrosis could be fully satisfying and no contraindication exists in this area.

Nevertheless, some advices could be given to reduce shortness of breath and fatigue. A physiotherapy session prior (to drain bronchial tubes) could avoid coughing. If asthma or hyperreactivity to stress is present, a bronchodilator could be taken in advance. If the activity is limited by shortness of breath with significant respiratory impairment, then the healthy partner could be more active. Some positions are more comfortable than others: on the side to avoid the weight of the partner; stand or kneel behind (Italian greyhound); other positions that free the rib cage. The ideal is to have, for the partner concerned, the head elevated compared to the rest of the body. Positions on the back are not recommended for the patient as they may cause or contribute to coughing (however, a pillow, for example, could be used to slightly raised the back). You could often change your position to avoid fatigue of repeated movements, but do not break the rhythm ... position changes must be agreed between the two partners.

In addition, the daily intake of antibiotics recommended for the treatment of cystic fibrosis may (but not always) disrupt the "normal"