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tap water

Hello, I am the mother of a little boy with cystic fibrosis and I am surprised it is not forbidden to drink tap water. My CF center tells me that there is no problem [translators comment: this question is from France, so the information is about the state of French tap water] but I'm stumped because water stored is probably full of germs ... Can my son drink the water without worry?
Thank you

I confirm the advice of your CF Center about the consumption of tap water.
I invite you to visit the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, which regularly gives the state of the water in your network:

The tap water in France is very controlled and microbiologically wholesome.
To simply remove any chlorine smell, just leave the water sit for a few minutes in a decanter placed in the refrigerator. Don't forget to wash the decanter after each use.

It is also recommended to let the water run for a few seconds in the morning before use to remove standing water from your tap.
It is also advisable to change the water jug every 24 to 48 hours.
Hoping to have answered your relevant question of a caring parent.
Yann Kerneur