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Swimming in pools

Since a year ago my child swims in an open pool all year long. Recently they started covering the pool with isothermic blankets (they spread them at night and roll them in at noon). Could this cause any trouble for my child? Need I pay any attention?
Dear friend,
Regarding your query about the risk of infection with Pseudomonas in a swimming pool, it has to be said that if the pool is properly chlorinated and disinfected and the public hygiene rules are adhered to, your child can use the pool safely. In any case, you have been using the pool since a year ago.
Regarding the use of isothermic blankets, I do not think that there is any reference in the international bibliography. If the general hygiene rules apply, I think he can continue to exercise.
In general, stagnant waters and humid environments, as with lakes and next to rivers, are ideal for the development of Pseudomonas and S. maltophilia.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis