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Mould in nuts

Dear experts,

Is it possible that swallowing mouldy tasting nuts leads to an allergic reaction in the lungs of a CF patient (who also had ABPA (allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis) before)?

Thanks for your answer.


You would like to know if there is a relation between having swallowed mouldy nuts and the incidence of an allergic reaction in the lungs (possible also an ABPA). Here you have to differentiate between the danger of being "poisoned" by swallowed fungus toxines and an allergic reaction caused by inhaling fungal spores. In the second case (inhaling fungal spores) it is possible that allergic reactions in the airways and lungs occur in predisposed individuals (allergic subjects, asthmatics, individuals with immune deficiency, also CF individuals, etc.). When disposing of mouldy food it should be taken care that no "clouds" of fungal spores are swirled up and thus inhaled. Having swallowed a mouldy nut one-time does not necessarily have to cause a problem. It is important, though, to pay attention to a possible mould formation in nuts, almonds and especially pistachios. If nuts are mouldy you should throw them away. If nuts, almonds, pistachios and spices have a fusty smell this can point at a mould formation even if it is not visible to the naked eye. Such kind of food should be thrown away at all events. Generally, everybody should watch out for mould when eating food. Many known mould fungi produce fungal toxines which cause a fusty smell and taste and can be harmful for health.
The consumer advice center recommends buying nuts in their shell as they keep the longest this way. The shell should not be damaged a no traces of mould should be visible. Nuts should be stored in a cool, airy and dry place to protect them against mould.

Best regards
Dr. Christina Smaczny