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My girlfriend has CF. She doesn't do her treaments. What is her risk?
I understand that you're worried about the health of your friend, but it is difficult to answer your question.
Although cystic fibrosis is a disease that is present from birth and is usually progressive, each case has a different evolution. In typical CF that combine digestive and respiratory disease, treatment includes capsules (pancreatic enzymes) to help digestion that have to be taken before each meal, vitamins, a balanced diet and often extra calories, daily physiotherapy to remove bronchial secretions and in some cases nebulised treatments with mucus modulators, antibiotics ...
The risk of not doing treatment regularly is to see the disease getting worse faster.
However, taking medication every day is a constraint that is often difficult to meet. It needs the patient to have "accepted" the disease, and manage to integrate these constraints in everyday life. The fact that projects can be discussed with the medical team or a psychologist can be seen may help young patients. Professionals working in CF centres, are used to these difficulties and may offer therapeutic education sessions to help the patient become aware of its role in maintaining his health, to more autonomy. If your friend is willing, you can be included in a part of the consultation.

I encourage you to talk to your friend.

Dr Sophie Ravilly