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Aerosols, when, why

What motivates the prescription of aerosols? Age (e.g. from 3 years)?
Are they prescribed as a preventive or curative treatment? Or both?
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This will depend on the type of aerosols and the ongoing clinical situation in which the child is. For aerosol antibiotics, they can be used alone or in conjunction with an antibiotic orally administered to control acute infection. It can also be used over a long period (under certain conditions) to prevent superinfections (exacerbations) of bronchitis. For "mucolytic" or "fluidizing” aerosols the desired action is primarily preventive, aimed at maintaining "at its best" the respiratory function and limit the number of pulmonary superinfection.
Therefore, the specific situation of each child will motivates the prescription of an aerosol, while age is not the sole parameter for the final decision.
Dr Philippe Reix