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My son is 7 months old and has cystic fibrosis. I love going for walks. But I wonder if there is weather to avoid: Rain, fog? Or a good walk is always good to take?

Thank you very much!

I have not found in the cystic fibrosis recommendations restriction to stroll with your baby in rain or fog.
But, there are some precautions as with any infant.
In winter, it is better to focus on the sunniest hours of the day, well cover your little boy to protect him from the cold and use a stroller sufficiently equipped to protect from the rain. Cold adaptation is less effective in infants than in adults, the coldness is even faster.
In summer, on the contrary, you should favor coolest hours (mornings or early evenings). Your son is more at risk of dehydration than another child because he loses more salt in his sweat. Do not hesitate to offer him water regularly during the walk, especially if it is prolonged. He should be protected with an umbrella, a hat, sunglasses and cream.
By taking these precautions, you can enjoy beautiful walks with your child as you say "a good walk is always good to take".

Best regards
Marie-Laure Madec