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Polar body diagnostics

Dear expert team,

My partner (age 32) and I (age 38) are both genetic carriers for CF and our daughter (19 months) has cystic fibrosis. We would like to have another child and of course we would be very happy if it would be healthy.

By reason of our ethical attitude termination of pregnancy is not an option for us. Therefore, we have been looking into polar body diagnostics as a possibility of pre-conceptual genetic diagnostics.
Maybe you could help us with your experience?
How successful are the prospects to have a healthy child with the aid of polar body diagnostics? Is this treatment practised frequently and successfully in connection with CF? Are there specialised centers or can we trust each fertility clinic/center offering polar body diagnostics?

Thank you for giving your time and expertise.

Best regards,
J. & K.

Dear questioner,

There is not a lot of experience about polar body diagnostics in Germany [original question was asked in the German expert advice], however your genetic combination is suitable for the so called polar body diagnostics, especially since termination of the pregnancy is not an option for you.
I do not think that this method is commonly used and practised frequently. There are only very few centers which offer polar body diagnostics; according to my knowledge e.g. Regensburg [in Germany]. You should refer to such a center. Then, the chance to have a healthy child (as far as CF is concerned) is good. However, the so called "baby-take-home-rate" is only 30% for all artificial fertilisation techniques and additionally a risk of multiple pregnancy has to be considered. In addition to that the woman is burdened with the hormonal treatment, egg collection and embryo transfer. This also has to be taken into account when taking such a decision. I hope to have been helpful.

Dr. Anja-Undine Stücker
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D. d'Alquen