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voice and CF

Hello I am a student in audio phonology, and I make a presentation on cystic fibrosis, and the impact of this disease on patients' vocal cords, could you tell me if there are few references in the field ? Thank you!
While it is true that the voice of patients with cystic fibrosis is often a little hoarse, few publications have addressed dysphonia in cystic fibrosis.
Search with Medline identified 3 items for "cystic fibrosis" and "dysphonia"

This symptom is most often reported as a side effect of inhaled treatments (dornase alpha, tobramycin, corticosteroids). Laryngitis may also occur in connection with gastroesophageal reflux, increased by coughing.

There are also some reported cases of vocal cord dysfunction in CF:
Crowley S, Bush A. Thorax. November 1995, 50 (11): 1228 and references cited therein.

Good luck for your presentation

Dr Sophie Ravilly