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Cross infection and CF centre

Hello, we ask ourselves about the CF centre and hygiene during the visits.
1 - In fact, our children go from room to room, in the hallways, intersect with other children with or without mask, while in some countries the patients remain in a room and it is the staff who moves in a specific order (patients have color stickers on their cards depending on the dangerousness of their bacteriological status...)! Why is it not applied in our CF centre?
2- And especially in the CF centre of XX, at the FEV test, it is not uncommon to see several children in the same room to pass the tests ... they are close enough, and worse, the rest of the machine does not seem to be cleaned at each change, it seems they just change the nozzle (we must wait 10 minutes between exercises then return; in the meantime other patients realise also a test). Knowing the number of resistant organisms ... pseudomonas at the hospital ... we are seriously preoccupied
Each CF centre shall implement measures to prevent cross infection between patients in hospital: protect patients without germs, and isolate patients with germs. There are French and European recommendations on this subject. These recommendations involve two levels of precaution: the "standard" precautions to be applied regardless of the infection status of the patient and the specials precautions defined according to the status of the bacteriological sputum. You can refer to the question on Ecorn: Protective isolation or contact isolation?

The hospitals cannot always have the ideal organization: "a room per patient." But some appropriate hygiene measures can compensate for this lack of rooms: wear a mask, repeat hands hygiene, disinfect surfaces and equipment between two patients, and ventilate the rooms...The room and the equipment to perform spirometry are sensitive areas and require strict hygiene measures. Your questions are quite justified and I suggest you share your concerns with your doctor responsible of the CF centre.
Best regards
Marythé Kerbrat
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D. d'Alquen