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baby gym

Hello, I have a 12-month-old girl with cystic fibrosis. Can I register her on babygym? I know that it is good for the development but I don’t know if I shall wait before meeting her many other infants (especially in winter)? Should she begin later?

Thank you.

You are right; babygym is good for your child's development. This gymnastics, adapted to the infants, aims at developing their psychomotricity through playful courses. They learn to jump, to run and to throw, while playing. Furthermore, for a child with cystic fibrosis, these "sport” courses help in the drainage of bronchial secretions, similarly to respiratory physiotherapy sessions.

Concerning the winter epidemics, we are already at the end of February and, indeed, I would recommend you to wait for the spring to start the sessions. For the more general measures of hygiene, watch that the place is regularly aerated and the equipment regularly maintained.

Good gym!

Harriet Corvol