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Relation Physician / Patient

Why so many patients need a website like this one to get answers to their concerns, their issues, their anxieties?

I myself have asked you a question: you answered perfectly.

I just regret that no more doctors are not very available to listen to patients.


Indeed, the ECORN website knows some success since it opened in France in 2010, and in all countries. This "success" is undoubtedly to put in parallel with the increasing use of new communication tools such as discussion forums, blogs, various information sites, etc... available on the web.

Forums like ECORN allow to ask questions anonymously, and therefore, sometimes, to address sensitive topics that people don’t dare (or unwilling) to discuss with the medical team. In addition, it allows to ask questions in the immediacy of the moment, when they come to mind. Experts meanwhile could take the time to make inquiries (when necessary) before answer, which will certainly be slower, but more mature and documented. Finally, a question on the forum, after having been asked to members of the healthcare team, allows to get a second opinion.

That are, in my opinion, the different elements that may explain why many patients come to get answers to their questions on a website like ECORN. The list is probably not exhaustive…

Regarding the availability of doctors, they have busy schedules and it’s often the most urgent aspects and medical care that outweigh the issues of common life. However, several other areas are offered to patients and their families to discuss their questions: the consultations with other professionals of the CF Centre, of course (depending on the question), the therapeutic education sessions, also in CF Centre, but also, if you want, discussions with representatives of the CF Association (territorial delegates, other families ...)

Hoping to have answer!
Best regards,
Laëtitia Gueganton