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Cervical mucus impenetrable???


Some time ago I wrote that I have been trying to become pregnant for 4,5 years (I am 23 years old, 50kg, 1.60m, lung function 70-78%). When I was a baby I had an abdominal surgery done (intestinal occlusion) which caused concretions; these were removed about one year ago. However, it became obvious that the concretions were not the reason why I have not become pregnant for 4,5 years. Everything is functioning 100% and both tubes are permeable and nevertheless I do not become pregnant. Is it possible that the cervical mucus is so impenetrable that one cannot become pregnant for 4,5 years? Would medication or insemination be of help?

[The rest of the question was only relevant for the German platform where the question was originally asked]
Dear questioner,

Generally speaking impenetrable cervical mucus could also be the reason for not becoming pregnant. First of all it would be interesting to know if there is a spermiogram of your partner. Further conditions are a regular menstruation (which means regular ovulation) and regular sexual intercourse. If the spermiogram is well and everything else too, an insemination maybe could help you. Unfortunately, there is no medication for this problem.
You could visit any fertility center where an extensive counselling and diagnostics can be offered.

I hope to have been helpful a little bit.

Dr. Anja-Undine Stücker