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Avoid sick people

Our 7 months old son has Cystic Fibrosis and in times of epidemic influenza, colds and gastro-enteritis, we were advised to avoid our son contact with sick people. To what extent should we consider this advice? Should we refuse to invite people with colds? Should we invite them but they put on a mask? Can we invite them when our son is asleep and therefore not seen or do the microbes stay with us? Should we just avoid people having flu or bronchitis? A person with a runny nose? We want to take all possible precautions for our son but do not go overboard! We thank you warmly.
it is normal to take extra precautions to prevent your child from being infected by a viral infection. However, precautions are the same for all babies and rely on your common sense. In winter, do not take your child in public places such as supermarkets. Also avoid contact with people who have a viral infection such as the flu, for example, prefer to report your invitation. People with colds should not kiss your baby and hand washing in case of gastro-enteritis is a good mean of prevention. Good ventilation in your home and your baby's room is always recommended.
Remember that your child will grow up and go to school, it will rub "little runny noses" and therefore live in a community like all other children with some adjustments of course. We must remain vigilant and adhere to lifestyle measures to protect the best but without being "overprotective."
Catherine Tuysuzian