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CF children

How can two CF children meet, aged respectively 9 months and 3 years? And what are the precautions? Thanks
You ask a question about cross-infection between CF patients. You do not, however, specify the bacteriological status of the two children.
In the absence of identified bacteria in the CF children, the risk is minimal, but not zero. A contamination between two samples can always happen, and it's most often by a germ of the environment. Anyway avoid close contact: kisses, exchanges of toys (the child of 9 months takes everything in its mouth), avoid meetings during cough, bronchial obstruction or viral infection and keep abreast of developments in the bacteriological status of the children.
During meetings between CF adults, here are the recommendations: wearing a mask, repeated use of hydro-alcoholic solution on hands and maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between them (3 meters in some countries), in not confined areas. For a child, this seems difficult to control in everyday life, even if they can wear a mask and learn hand washing very early.
If a child is a carrier of germs (especially some strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus and Burkholderia cepacia) and the other child not, the risk of cross contamination exists and can be detrimental to health. The children have to avoid direct contact. It may be difficult to conceive it if friendly relations are established. This is why direct contacts between patients outside are not encouraged.
Best regards
Marythé Kerbrat

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