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Thoracic distension

Hello, I would like to know what is a thoracic hyperinflation. Could it be cured and what is the cause? How can we diagnose that? Thanks for your response. Sincerely
Hello and thanks for your question.
The thoracic hyperinflation is linked to an excess of air into the lungs. The air is blocked into the airways during the expiratory phase of the breathing because of a decreased bronchial diameter whatever the cause is (asthma, secretions, foreign body, compression …). This phenomenon is seen in the radiological thoracic exams (chest X-ray, CT-scan) or in the pulmonary function tests. The treatment depends on the cause (inhaled bronchodilators and corticosteroids in case of asthma, chest physiotherapy and mucolytics when secretions are important).
I hope to have answered to your question. With my best regards,
Prof Jean-Christophe Dubus