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Hyperechogenic bowel

I am having my first pregnancy. During the second level ultrasound a very mild hyperechogenic bowel was detected, as well as an echogenic field in the heart. The doctor said that if these findings do not recess by the 28th-30th week I must do an amniocentesis. I did the test for CF. What do you advise?
Dear friend,
The detection of an hyperechogenic bowel in the fetus is a finding that may be attributed to many causes and does not constitute proof for CF.
You mention that you were tested for CF. I presume that you did a genetic analysis for the detection of CF mutations (75, 95%?). You do not clarify if your partner was tested as well.
The results of this testing will guide the course you have to follow. If the results are negative for CF, the possibility for CF in the fetus decreases dramatically. If the results are positive, i.e. you are a carrier of a CF mutation, then your partner must be tested for as many mutations as possible, and you need to discuss the option of amniocentesis.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis
Please find even more information under the search term "hyperechogenic bowel" in the Central Archive.
D. d'Alquen