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Dry cough

Dear expert team,
for 2 weeks I have an infection, which only consists of dry cough (healthy people without CF around me have the same infection with similar symptoms and duration). Every night I cough until after 12 o'clock. In the meantime also my larynx is affected, symptoms are pain and hoarseness. My main question is however, in how far my lung gets permanent damage? My FEV1 is at 60%. I am 47 years old. I have coughed more in these 2 weeks as otherwise in the whole year. What helps besides codein in case of dry cough?
Dear questioner,
a dry cough can indeed occur in CF patients (as also in other people) as an accompanying symptom of an acute infection of the airways and can sometimes also persist for 2 weeks or more. In this case, consultation of a doctor is recommended and the infection should be treated primarly (in case this can also be attested by the doctor).
Probably the anti-obstructive (widening of the bronchi) therapy has to be intensified, a mucus-solving drug and also an antibiotic could become necessary. Hereby also supporting measures have to be taken: be aware of a sufficient amount of drinking, do not let dry out the pharynx (usage of lozneges, steam inhalation e.g. with saline solution), performance of airway therapy.
Codein containing drugs should only be used in case of demand (mostly at night). Under these therapeutic measures the cough loosens in most cases and turns out in a productive cough which does in the end lead to improvement. In case this should not happen in the furhter course, it should furhter be looked for other causes of the dry cough. Here, for example, the question comes up if the dry cough points at a hypersensitivity of the bronchi or an allery or an asthma.
In case your cough persists, consult again your doctor. Probably our answer can make the talk easier for you and you find together with your doctor the cause and the medication for it.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christina Smaczny