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girl with CF, monthly period

Dear reader,
My 14 year old daughter with CF had her first menstrual cycle 6 months ago. At the beginning it was not really regular (cycle of 28 - 30 days). The last 2 months the period came back too quickly. After 14 days or 8 days, she has again her menstruation.
Is this related to CF? Should we mention this to our centre? Or is this typical for the beginning of the menstrual cycles?

Yours sincerely,
Dear questioner.

Thank you for this important question.
To my knowledge there is no association between CF and problems of irregular menstrual cycles.
But is it known that girls with CF often have their first monthly period at an older age compared to other girls. This is mainly related to their overall health: if their nutritional status is poor, the menarche will be delayed.

Irregular cycles are also common in young girls in general.

It is always useful to report this to your CF centre in order to discuss whether your daughter should be referred to a gynecologist or not.

I hope this answer helps you.

Yours sincerely

Marijke Proesmans