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Contact after transplantation

Hello, my brother was transplanted a couple of weeks ago. I do have CF as well. Since the transplantion I have limited our contact to telephone calls and e-mails. However, in a family, it cannot be avoided to meet each other from time to time (what is a good thing, generally speaking). How should I behave to avoid that my germs (Pseumomonas) could do harm to my brother?


That is not an easy situation. As you say, it always happens in a family that you meet each other - and that is how it should be and remain.
You and your brother (and all others as well) should follow the hygiene rules that are well-known in the CF scene. Your brother should wear a surgical mask, you should avoid direct skin contact like shaking hands and hands should be disinfected often. As transplanted individuum your brother should know the rules and will therefore also take care about it.
You should not use the same toilet, bathroom and bedroom.

Best regards,
Prof. J. Bargon