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Hello, I read in one of your answers that children with cystic fibrosis could enjoy green spaces, but can you leave a baby with cystic fibrosis crawling in the grass? Or be sitting in the grass (he touches the grass and put his hands in the mouth)? ... The erath may also be a tank of Pseudomonas aeruginosa? Thank you

Germs (including "pyo"(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) are present everywhere in our environment and it is impossible to control everything. Currently, we can not know the time of contamination and its origin is often unknown. There are no studies proving that a measure of hygiene rather than another would prevent bacterial infection in cystic fibrosis.

Sport and outdoor recreation are not only possible but recommended for the physical health of the child. Take advantage, for example, of visiting parks with its family or other children can strengthen social bonds and quality of life is improved.

In the situation you describe, the benefits for the child appear to outweigh the risks to which it may be exposed even if it is true that the "zero risk" does not exist.

You can take precautions by cleaning the baby's hands if they were in contact with the ground and before he takes his lunch or dinner. It is also recommended that the child is not present during grass cutting to avoid exposure to aspergillus.

I hope that answers your question.
Best regards
Marie-Laure Madec