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Sterilizing device

My cystic fibrosis son needs to change his sterilizing device because it’s broken (we use it for sterilizing his two e-Flow kits). The old sterilizing device was too bulky for so few parts. Do you know if small sterilizing devices are commercialized (not for microwaves)?
Hello and thanks for your question.
Thermical disinfection with sterilizing devices using wet vapour is usual with the e-Flow rapid nebulizer. Despite their name, these sterilizing devices only induce a disinfection of the nebulizer (incomplete action against fungi, decrease of the microbial risk of a 105 Log concentration and not 106 as required, exposure to a temperature of 105°C during 10 min and not 134°C during 18 min as required). Some small sterilizing devices using wet vapour are commercialized, but my advice is to contact your nebulizer service provider or the Pari Society which commercializes the e-Flow rapid. At last, don’t forget that you can also sterilize your nebulizer when you put it in the boiled water for 10 minutes.
I hope that I have helped you. With my best regards,
Prof. Jean-Christophe Dubus