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cystic fibrosis and meeting with dolphins

A big thank you to Dr. Ravilly for her response on the opportunity to swim with dolphins.
We retain a possible offer for swimming in the sea or ocean but not in the dolphinarium (risk of transmission in two directions).
Last question: what about the meeting at the edge of the dolphinarium pool with possible contact (touch the dolphin or kiss but no contact with water)?
Another big thank you for your help, we begin to see more clearly.
Dr. B
It took a little time to answer, because the answer is not so obvious. For purists it would probably be best to avoid kissing the dolphins living in a dolphinarium. But I think the risk is minimal. Like any activity for which there is no evidence or studies, the benefit is probably greater than the risk for the majority of children, but it must be discussed with the parents and the medical team. As a leisure activity, some may advise you to refer the child to other proposals.
Dr. Sophie Ravilly