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The drug Bretaris Genuair® is given in case of the illness "COPD". Has anybody experience if it is also suitable for CF?
Dear questioner,
you want to know, if the drug Bretaris Genuair® can also be given in case of CF. As you already stated correctly, Bretaris Genuair® is licensed for the treatment of COPD-patients, however has not a license for the use in CF. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is an illness with narrowing of the airways and damage of the alveoli. Between COPD and CF there are similarities in the symptoms concerning the bronchial narrowing even if the causes are different.
Theoretical thoughts allow indeed the usage of Bretaris Genuair® in CF, clinical investigations about safety, efficacy and side effects are however not available for the field of CF.
The active substance in Bretaris Genuair® is Aclidiniumbromid, a so-called anticholinergic broncho-dilator. It's effect is widening of the bronchi, by blocking receptors of the muscle cells of the lung, which control the contraction of the muscles (muscarin receptors). The inhalative Bretaris Genuair® leads to relaxation of the muscles of the airways and therefore the airways stay open, which leads to an alleviation of the patient's breathing.
During clinical studies, different side effects have been described. Very frequent side effects of Bretaris Genuair® (observed in 1 to 10 of 100 patients) are sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinuses), nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nose and pharynx area), headache, cough and diarrhea. Furhtermore, other side effects, which occured more rarely, have been described. Additionally, the anticholinergic effect on the the heart and vessels have to be mentoined. A close-meshed surveillance of the cardio-vascular effects of the drug seems to be necessary.
In case of usage for a CF patient, the possible effects and side effects have to be considered and balanced in detail.
It's at the physicians discretion and in agreement with the patient to decide about a therapeutic trial.
We can not yet report about own experiences in using Bretaris Genuair® in CF patients.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christina Smaczny