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Aquadoodle game and pseudomonas aeruginosa

My daughter is 15 months old and suffers from CF. At home, we have an “aquadoodle game”, you must put water in a pen and write on a surface that will stain on contact with water and then will dry. I have put aside the game through fear of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but I find more and more this game among my friends. How high is the risk of contamination? At 15 months, many things go through your mouth. Information on this famous game:
Thank you for your answer!

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is present everywhere in our environment, especially in stagnant water. There are no studies proving that one action rather than another would prevent a bacterial contamination. It is recommended to follow general advice basic hygiene, with the aim to reduce stagnant wetlands and reservoirs of germs.
The risk of contamination by using the "aquadoodle game" seems to depend very much on its use. Filling the pen and emptying it every time your child uses it will prevent water from stay in the tank too long. The ideal condition would be clean and dry inside if it does not damage the pen. It is also important to respect the age of the child in relation to the manufacturer's recommendations and a slightly older child will put less objects in its mouth.
These precautions will greatly reduce the risk but do not eliminate it completely. Each inquiry into your life, try to balance the risks against the benefits (for example, psychosocial development) for your daughter and try to make a choice. To help you, do not hesitate to talk to the health care team that treats your daughter.
I hope that answers your question.
Best regards

Marie-Laure Madec