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we have started Pulmozyme® (rh-DNAse) a few months ago for our child. For me it was an unnecessary treatment because of my child's excellent health status (no secretion and very few antibiotics). I relalize that his condition has deteriorated since. New bacteria have appeared. I have some questions:
- Is it a coincidence?
- Does Pulmozyme® has "unmasked" these bacteria?
- Does the Pulmozyme®, by fluidizing the bronchus, not only prepare a favorable ground for certain infections?
- Is it always necessary to treat all children with Pulmozyme®? Is this for statistical purposes? Why is this treatment offered to a child with good health?

Thank you for helping me to understand.
Dear parent,
The doctor who cares of your child has probably several other test results (radiological or respiratory function tests results) that makes him think that the usage of Pulmozyme® is likely to be beneficial. There are no direct links between growth of "new bacteria" at the beginning of Pulmozyme® usage in your child. By cons, it is possible that the product facilitates the mobilisation of airway secretions and revealed germs he was otherwise carrying. Pulmozyme® is used by patients with cystic fibrosis for around 20 years now and it is usually well tolerated. In approximately one third of cases, it does not bring the expected benefit and it should be discussed with your doctor about the best interests of its continuation. Some researchers have shown that respiratory disease in cystic fibrosis could start very early, sometimes as soon as the first months of life. This is not always accompanied by respiratory symptoms. Under these conditions, the use of available treatments at the pre-symptomatic stage of the disease (that is, before the onset of symptoms) is quite relevant. This attitude is primarily preventive in order to maintain the best respiratory status of your child as long as possible.
Dr Philippe REIX