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Hello, I would like to ask you how many types of Colistin do exist? Can we mix 1ml powder I.U. with 10 ml saline solution for nebulization?
Can one use 5 ml twice daily on a 6-year-old girl for sinusitis? Thank you.
Dear questioner,
For well known clinical situations (like pulmonary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa on patients with CF), you can use nebulized Colimicina (Colistin). But your doctor will prescribe you the medical treatment and the correct dosage. Considering your daughter has CF related sinusitis we recommend you to go to your CF specialized pediatrician, in order to establish the correct antibiotic dosage. Regarding other criteria it might be necessary to initiate an IV treatment or further investigations.
Best regards
Prof. Dr. Pop. L