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CF_the vest

Hello, I am from Botosani [Romania]. I would like to ask a question concerning my 6-year-old nephew who was diagnosed with CF and followed-up by Iasi Hospital. Can you tell me please something about the airway clearance with the vest system? Thank you.
Dear questioner,
physiotherapy for patients with Cystic Fibrosis is extremely important. Physiotherapy has long played an important role in the respiratory management of the disease and has to adapt to the changes in disease pattern from infancy to adulthood. About the second question, regarding the Airway Clearance with the Vest System, there are two Companies that produce it. One company is Electromed Company ( and located in USA, that introduced the technology called High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (HTCWO), and it produces Smart Vest®. The second company is Oxycare Company ( located in Germany which produces Vibra vest®.
You have to contact them for further information about commercialization and the Romanian companies that collaborate with them.
Prof.Dr. Pop L.
Please find more informatione about the vest under:

Please find further information under:

D. d'Alquen