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should we take vitamins (ADEK) before breakfast or during it?
Thank you.

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, that is to say, they are assimilated by the body with fat.
If you have pancreatic insufficiency, you absorb poorly or not at all fat and you need to take pancreatic enzymes (CREON®, EUROBIOL® ...) for meals rich in fat or protein. In this case, it is imperative to take vitamins A, D, E, K with pancreatic enzymes or they will not be absorbed and will not have the desired effect. Taking daily vitamin is important in the long runs and a deficiency may not manifest itself immediately.
It is not always necessary to take them at breakfast, you can take over to another meal, so you can better balance your treatment throughout the day.

Hoping to have answered your question

Best regards,

Marie-Laure Madec